Vinisha Prakash
Marketing Manager
Vinisha has a background in HR, Marketing, and Careers. With her knack for storytelling and content writing expertise, she has delivered career content on job search, career strategy, job market, and more.
Currently, as a Marketing Manager, she develops and executes strategies to optimize the marketing processes at the company, including social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.
Vinisha holds an MSc in International HRM from the University of Edinburgh. She is also an Associate Member of the CIPD and a certified Life Coach. Additionally, she volunteers time to mentor various undergraduate students in career and skills development.
Outside of work, she spends time on reading, Netflix, and exploring new cafes.
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CareerHigher, International House, 64 Nile Street, London, N1 7SR, United Kingdom.
Operating Hours
Weekdays 09:00 – 17:00 GMT/BST