Networking Offline

Tips & tricks for offline networking

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Advice on how to create a LinkedIn profile that boosts your job search

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How to Write a LinkedIn Recommendation (With Examples)

A LinkedIn recommendation is a powerful tool that can enhance an individual's professional brand and credibility. Think of it as a personal testimony, showcasing someone's skills, accomplishments, and character to potential employers. With 95% of recruiters diving...

How to Ask for LinkedIn Recommendations

LinkedIn is now one of the most preferred hiring tools, used by over 87% of recruiters. So, it is no surprise that creating a great LinkedIn profile for yourself can form an integral part of your job search process. While optimizing your profile generally only...

Tips & Tricks to Enhance Your LinkedIn Presence

If you are looking for a job in today’s market, you probably already know that having a LinkedIn profile is important. If you already have one, that’s great. At a minimum, you must ensure that it has a quality photo, about section, work experience, and education. But,...

LinkedIn Trends 2022

“LinkedIn is no longer an online resume. It’s your digital reputation”. LinkedIn is a lot more than an online resume. While it may have started out like that, today, LinkedIn is crucial in connecting you with your employer of choice, building your personal brand, and...

7 Best SEO Tips for Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is more than just a social media platform, a job search site, and an online resume. Over the years, it has proven its reputation as one of the most invaluable tools for personal branding and professional networking. With more than 800 million...

Updating Your LinkedIn Profile for a Career Change

Changing careers is a time-consuming process. It requires effort, the right resources, and an effective strategy. When making a career shift, your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile play a crucial role. While we have talked about how to optimize your resume...

5 Reasons to Have a LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a social media platform dedicated to professional networking and collaboration. It was founded in 2003 with a vision to create economic opportunity for every member by simply connecting professionals. Today, it is the world’s largest professional network,...

Everything you need to know to master professional networking

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How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job Application

Outshining a pool of qualified candidates is the toughest part of the job search process. In cases like this, it is no longer a secret that a cover letter is an effective tool that can help you distinguish yourself from everyone else. However, even experienced...

Cover Letter Examples and Writing Tips

Regardless of your industry and career level, the importance of cover letters when applying for certain roles in today's job market is hard to deny. Including one on each application allows you to communicate the most relevant details about yourself and demonstrate...

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internal Position or a Promotion

Do you love working at your current company but are looking for a change? Whether you want to transition to a different role, pursue a higher-level position, or transfer to a new department, checking out and applying for an internal job opening could be a good option...

How to Write a Letter of Intent for a Job

As a job seeker, you are looking forward to landing a job with your dream company. However, they do not have any relevant jobs listed on their careers page or on any job search sites. So, what to do in cases like these? Create a letter of intent to get your foot in...

Top Cover Letter Trends 2022

The labor market was significantly affected by the global pandemic when it hit in 2020. With preventive measures and vaccines in place, we’re now slowly seeing a path to full recovery. According to a report, U.S. employers managed to add over 450,000 jobs in January...

Cover Letter Tips for Finance Professionals

Finance professionals play a key role in overseeing an organization's financial health. In such a case, companies are unceasingly racing to search for the most capable employee that can help ensure their continued viability. In fact, according to the US Bureau of...

Cover Letter Tips for Tech Professionals

The tech industry is continuously growing at an impressive rate. One of the main reasons is that the global pandemic continues to force various companies to move online. In such a case, businesses have to rely heavily on advanced tech infrastructures to embrace the...

All the LinkedIn networking best practices you need as a candidate

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How to Connect with Recruiters on LinkedIn (With Examples)

Like many job seekers, you may also be looking for a job opportunity on LinkedIn. And why not? With over 58 million companies and over 87% of recruiters regularly using LinkedIn, it is no surprise. LinkedIn, when used correctly, could get you your next job. While most...

Top LinkedIn Trends for Job Seekers

Whether you’re looking to move into a different field and change careers or just looking for a better opportunity, you may want to leverage the pot of gold that is LinkedIn. Social media has become an increasingly popular recruitment tool with LinkedIn taking the lead...

LinkedIn Networking Trends 2022

According to LinkedIn, about 60% of professionals agree that keeping in touch with their online network helps with their job search. Additionally, about 70% of the people in 2016 were hired at a company where they had a connection. Thus, it wouldn’t be wrong to say...

How to Engage with Relevant LinkedIn Content

Anyone using social media cannot deny the power of a simple ‘like’ on a post. Many of us log in multiple times a day just to check the number of likes on our recently uploaded post. This is pretty much true for any social media platform, including LinkedIn. Since...

LinkedIn Networking Etiquette- Dos and Don’ts

Imagine walking up to a stranger and saying, “Hello, do you have a job for me?”. Would it work? Of course not! Then why do some of us send random, untargeted messages to complete strangers on LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a platform to cultivate relationships, but it can only...

LinkedIn Networking Trends 2021

3 people are hired every minute on LinkedIn. Over the years, LinkedIn has positioned itself as the biggest networking platform. Thus, the first thought that usually comes to mind when you hear networking is LinkedIn. In this article, we will discuss some effective...

How to Create Engaging Content on LinkedIn

The need to remain connected, entertained and informed during the pandemic resulted in a massive increase in the use of social media. LinkedIn turned out to be one such platform that experienced a surge in its activities. In the last 12 months, more than a billion...

How to Get Hired by Creating Content

How do you stand out when applying for a job? Well, this could be a tough question to answer, but once you figure it out, it can give you a lead. While there is more than one way to stand out, let’s discuss an easy one today- LinkedIn content creation! Creating...

Templates to accelerate your networking success

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Templates to Request a Networking Meeting

In our previous article on networking outreach templates, we spoke about some effective ways to reach out to your target audience. But once you’ve established a connection with them, what’s next? You need to approach them to speak with you one-to-one over a call. This...

Professional Networking Outreach Templates

In our other articles on professional networking, we have explored the best practice of networking and how you can optimize your LinkedIn profile to strengthen your networking strategy. In this article, we will take you a step closer to an efficient networking...

The best networking tools to accelerate your job search

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CRM Tools to Manage your Network

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system allows businesses to organize and manage relationships with their customers/prospects. It develops a database of customer activities, keeping track of leads. A personal CRM is an adaptation of this system to help...

Best Apps for Professional Networking

Networking with professionals to develop relationships is quite a task. You need to focus on multiple aspects such as finding the right people, reaching out in the most efficient manner, putting efforts into knowing them, helping them know you, setting up meetings,...

Tools to Uplift Your Networking Practices

About 35% of professionals from a study said that casual conversations on LinkedIn led to new opportunities. Despite this, professional networking is an undervalued and underutilized asset for a job search. In our other articles, we have explained the benefits of...

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