Professional Networking Templates

Templates to accelerate your networking success

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Advice on how to create a LinkedIn profile that boosts your job search

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How to Write a LinkedIn Recommendation (With Examples)

A LinkedIn recommendation is a powerful tool that can enhance an individual's professional brand and credibility. Think of it as a personal testimony, showcasing someone's skills, accomplishments, and character to potential employers. With 95% of recruiters diving...

How to Ask for LinkedIn Recommendations

LinkedIn is now one of the most preferred hiring tools, used by over 87% of recruiters. So, it is no surprise that creating a great LinkedIn profile for yourself can form an integral part of your job search process. While optimizing your profile generally only...

Tips & Tricks to Enhance Your LinkedIn Presence

If you are looking for a job in today’s market, you probably already know that having a LinkedIn profile is important. If you already have one, that’s great. At a minimum, you must ensure that it has a quality photo, about section, work experience, and education. But,...

LinkedIn Trends 2022

“LinkedIn is no longer an online resume. It’s your digital reputation”. LinkedIn is a lot more than an online resume. While it may have started out like that, today, LinkedIn is crucial in connecting you with your employer of choice, building your personal brand, and...

7 Best SEO Tips for Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is more than just a social media platform, a job search site, and an online resume. Over the years, it has proven its reputation as one of the most invaluable tools for personal branding and professional networking. With more than 800 million...

Updating Your LinkedIn Profile for a Career Change

Changing careers is a time-consuming process. It requires effort, the right resources, and an effective strategy. When making a career shift, your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile play a crucial role. While we have talked about how to optimize your resume...

5 Reasons to Have a LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a social media platform dedicated to professional networking and collaboration. It was founded in 2003 with a vision to create economic opportunity for every member by simply connecting professionals. Today, it is the world’s largest professional network,...

Everything you need to know to master professional networking

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Professional Networking Tips to Grow Your Network

It is challenging for a company to pick the right candidate from a pool of thousands of applicants during the hiring process. Some familiarity with an individual, either through a reference or a personal connection instills confidence in the employer's mind....

Candidate Networking: A Comprehensive Guide

What is professional networking? Professional networking is the art of establishing a relationship with people you think can help you reach your professional goals. It is a multi-step process that requires candidates to identify the relevant target audience, approach...

How to Network as an Introvert

Do you feel uneasy in social gatherings? Do you prefer a small group of close people over tons of new faces? Well, you are not alone! These are typical personality traits of people who are considered introverts. Introverts usually have a preference for their personal...

How to Establish a Relationship with your Target Audience

Professional networking is a key part of your job search. While it is easy to reach out to people and convey your requests, maintaining relationships with them can be challenging, time-consuming, and effort-intensive. In this article, we will guide you on what...

How to Add Value Through Networking

Networking can be a great job search tool, as it can lead to referrals, which are the best way to get into a business. However, make sure to help your target audience to thank them for their effort too. If you think you don’t have the resources to help someone, think...

How to Create a Perfect Networking Pitch

Imagine you enter an electronics store looking to buy a laptop. You go to the counter and let them know what you are looking for. A salesperson approaches you and starts introducing you to different options, assisting you in making a choice. They inform you of all the...

How to Identify Your Networking Target Audience

As a job seeker, professional networking has the potential to change your job search game. While a major part of your success depends on planning and actions, a part of it is also determined by the people you choose to network with. The type of audience can make a...

What to Discuss in a Professional Networking Meeting

About 60% of professionals worldwide believe that online interactions with their network can lead to possible job opportunities. However, many do not take the first step due to hesitation and anxiety about interacting with new people. A possible solution to tackle...

All the LinkedIn networking best practices you need as a candidate

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How to Write a Resume for the Australian Job Market

Competition in the Australian job market is tough. Outshining this competition can be much tougher if you are not sure of the hiring process, what an Australian resume should look like, and how to market yourself effectively to impress Australian recruiters and...

How to Write a Resume for the UK Market

One of the key aspects of a best-practice CV is its alignment with the target location. If you are a job seeker in the UK, having a good understanding of how to write, format, and structure your British CV is imperative to ensure your application won’t be ignored. In...

Building a Resume in MS-Word

Many candidates choose to go for online resume templates when making applications. While these are easy to find and time-efficient, not all of these are optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems. Another drawback with these online templates is that they are common...

What Does a Visual Resume Look Like

An ATS-optimized resume helps you clear the pre-screening performed by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) when you make an online application. However, it has limitations and must be done the ‘must be done in the most effective manner’. Visual resumes, on the other...

Different Resume Templates by Industry

Does a template really make a difference to your resume? The answer would be a definitive yes! The enhanced recruiting automation rate has led employers to use software like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to pre-screen candidates. However, the results of this...

How Long Should a Resume Be

The ideal length of a resume has always been a topic of debate. Most professionals believe that a one-page resume is ideal, but recruiters are open to two-page resumes as long as they are relevant. This dismisses the common myth of “always going for a one-page resume...

Best Resume Format 2021

Recruiters around the globe rank poor resume formatting high on lists of common resume mistakes. Careless or inappropriate formatting creates a negative first impression and may prevent you from qualifying for the next round. Conversely, a well-formatted resume is...

How to Structure Your Resume

Does it take more than great content to create an interview-winning resume? The answer would be a definitive yes, as a clean and coherent structure is equally important to developing a  well-written resume. An unstructured resume is likely to create a bad first...

Tips & tricks for offline networking

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Differences between Offline and Online Networking

Professional networking has proved to be a valuable resource in a job search. While offline networking took a backseat during the pandemic, online networking gained momentum. However, both have their own characteristics and benefits. With everything going back to...

Optimizing Offline Networking in Your Job Search

There is hardly any doubt that professional networking has paved the way to success for many professionals. However, most candidates focus on developing relationships and building their networks only online. Due to the pandemic, while online networking is the most...

The best networking tools to accelerate your job search

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CRM Tools to Manage your Network

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system allows businesses to organize and manage relationships with their customers/prospects. It develops a database of customer activities, keeping track of leads. A personal CRM is an adaptation of this system to help...

Best Apps for Professional Networking

Networking with professionals to develop relationships is quite a task. You need to focus on multiple aspects such as finding the right people, reaching out in the most efficient manner, putting efforts into knowing them, helping them know you, setting up meetings,...

Tools to Uplift Your Networking Practices

About 35% of professionals from a study said that casual conversations on LinkedIn led to new opportunities. Despite this, professional networking is an undervalued and underutilized asset for a job search. In our other articles, we have explained the benefits of...

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