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Everything you need to know about job interviews

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All you need to know about how to prepare for your upcoming job interview

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How to use ChatGPT to Prepare for a Job Interview

Job interviews can be stressful, right?  Besides, preparing for one requires a lot of work! You need to research the company, anticipate what questions you may be asked, prepare your answers, and practice them. All of this can be quite time-consuming and draining....

How to Prepare for an Interview in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Congratulations on receiving an interview invitation for a job in Saudi Arabia! You've made it past the initial stages of hiring, but now the real work begins. Job interviews are crucial in determining whether or not you will land the job you’re seeking.  Though the...

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

Interviewing for a job can be an exciting process. It is a step closer to landing your dream job and an opportunity to start a new chapter in your career. However, interviewing for a job can also be nerve-wracking if you don’t know what to expect. Hence, preparation...

How to Prepare for a Job Interview in the UAE

An interview is a crucial part of a recruitment process as it is the first face-to-face (even a video call) interaction you have with your potential employer. The employer gets a chance to assess your fit for the role beyond the information found on your resume. This...

How to Ace Your Case Study Interview

A case study interview is a type of job interview that involves solving a business problem or scenario. The case can either be real-world examples or hypothetical. It is an exercise that necessitates a logical approach to finding the problem and an appropriate...

How to Make Small Talk During an Interview

Small talk is an inevitable part of the job interview process. It is a light, informal conversation that interviewers use to break the ice and set the tone for the formal interview. While it may seem like an irrelevant chit-chat, interviewers also use this opportunity...

6 Elements of a Strong Job Interview

An interview is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate to a potential employer that you are a great fit for the job and organization. While job preparation is essential, learning what to expect during your conversation is imperative to increase your chances of...

How to Showcase Your Personal Brand in a Job Interview

The term branding used to be a concept that’s commonly known for businesses. With the rise of social media platforms and the gig economy, branding has come a long way since it was first introduced by Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich. It has become...

A library of all common interview questions and guidance on how to answer them successfully

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How to Answer Why Did You Leave Your Last Job

While every interview is different, there are a few questions that feature in most interviews irrespective of the job role or company. Preparing your answers to these questions can make your interview process easier. It can also help instill confidence as you put your...

How to Answer “Why Are You Looking for A New Job”

When you’re interviewed for a job, the interviewer is likely to ask why you’re looking for a career change. This may seem like a straightforward question. However, it can be a tricky one to answer, especially if your circumstances are not rosy. Regardless of your...

“What is Your Greatest Weakness?” Best Answers with Examples

If you are preparing for upcoming interviews for your career change, a popular question that you should know how to respond to is ''What is your greatest weakness?". As a candidate, you may find this to be one of the most challenging questions to answer in an...

How to Answer Situational Interview Questions

Situational interview questions or scenario-based interview questions are designed to assess how candidates may handle hypothetical situations at work. Contrary to behavioral interview questions that regard real prior job experiences, situational interview questions...

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” in an Interview

One of the most common yet dreaded questions in the interview process remains, “Tell me about yourself”. Despite being among the most predictable interview questions, it still holds the power to knock off even the most seasoned professionals. Whether it's...

Tips & tricks to use when being interviewed for your dream job

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How To Establish Rapport With Your Interviewer

What makes a candidate stand out during a job interview? One quick and safe answer is their job skills and previous experience. However, communication between the interviewee and the interviewer plays an essential role, as well. Moreover, it can affect the hiring...

Best Job Interview Etiquette Tips

Jenny is an experienced web developer and has received an interview invitation for her dream job. She turns to her friend with big excitement to seek advice on how to structure her interview prep. “Well, don’t forget about the interview etiquette,” her friend replies....

The Ultimate Guide on How to Dress for a Job Interview

A job interview you want to succeed in is coming up soon. You have completed the phone interview and you are now invited for a face-to-face conversation at the company’s headquarters. You have finished your interview preparation but something is still missing. What...

Job Interview Day: Tips for Candidates

You recently applied for a promising position that could elevate your career, and your desired future employer invited you for an interview. You completed all the necessary work to stand out during the screening. You researched the company online, found common...

Best practice advice about how to follow up after your job interview

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Things to Avoid After an Interview

Rocking your job interview can be a challenge. In fact, a study revealed that candidates who interview for a role only have an average of 20% to secure a job offer. Hence, staying on the top of your game is essential to boost your chances of landing your dream role....

10 Signs Your Interview Went Well

The time it takes to receive feedback from a recruiter after an interview varies. However, research has shown that an employer's average response time is 24 business days. These days after an interview where you’re uncertain about the outcome makes the waiting time...

What to Do When You’re Ghosted after an Interview

Dear job seeker, have you ever heard of the term “ghosting?” It’s an expression that we often use when a person we’ve been interacting with has suddenly stopped replying to our calls or messages without an explanation. Even though this expression was initiated to...

How to Send an Effective Follow-up Email After an Interview

You have just finished an interview for your dream job, and you feel confident about your performance. Now you want to shield that impression and maximize the chances of getting an offer. But how? There’s still one simple move to make to convince the hiring team that...

How to negotiate your compensation

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How to Write a Resume for the Australian Job Market

Competition in the Australian job market is tough. Outshining this competition can be much tougher if you are not sure of the hiring process, what an Australian resume should look like, and how to market yourself effectively to impress Australian recruiters and...

How to Write a Resume for the UK Market

One of the key aspects of a best-practice CV is its alignment with the target location. If you are a job seeker in the UK, having a good understanding of how to write, format, and structure your British CV is imperative to ensure your application won’t be ignored. In...

Building a Resume in MS-Word

Many candidates choose to go for online resume templates when making applications. While these are easy to find and time-efficient, not all of these are optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems. Another drawback with these online templates is that they are common...

What Does a Visual Resume Look Like

An ATS-optimized resume helps you clear the pre-screening performed by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) when you make an online application. However, it has limitations and must be done the ‘must be done in the most effective manner’. Visual resumes, on the other...

Different Resume Templates by Industry

Does a template really make a difference to your resume? The answer would be a definitive yes! The enhanced recruiting automation rate has led employers to use software like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to pre-screen candidates. However, the results of this...

How Long Should a Resume Be

The ideal length of a resume has always been a topic of debate. Most professionals believe that a one-page resume is ideal, but recruiters are open to two-page resumes as long as they are relevant. This dismisses the common myth of “always going for a one-page resume...

Best Resume Format 2021

Recruiters around the globe rank poor resume formatting high on lists of common resume mistakes. Careless or inappropriate formatting creates a negative first impression and may prevent you from qualifying for the next round. Conversely, a well-formatted resume is...

How to Structure Your Resume

Does it take more than great content to create an interview-winning resume? The answer would be a definitive yes, as a clean and coherent structure is equally important to developing a  well-written resume. An unstructured resume is likely to create a bad first...

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