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All you need to know about ATS as a candidate

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Action Verbs to Boost Your Resume

In the competitive world of job searching, every word on your resume counts. Action verbs, in particular, have the power to elevate the quality of your resume. A TLNT 2019 study revealed that by strategically using action verbs in your resume you can increase your...

How to Write a Career Change Resume

Whether you’ve realized that your passion lies in a different field or you’re looking for some stability and work-life balance, a career change may be just what you need. However, to make the career shift, you need to have solid documents demonstrating your purpose,...

Top Hard and Soft Skills to Put on a Resume

As the modern workforce evolves, it becomes increasingly important for job seekers to stay ahead of the curve. Thus, crafting an impressive resume that showcases a compelling combination of hard and soft skills can make all the difference when it comes to landing your...

How to Download Resume from LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the most commonly used job search channels globally. According to statistics, an average of 50 million people use the platform to search for jobs each week. Every second, about 95 applications are being submitted. To help candidates maximize...

How to Present Professional References on a Resume (With Examples)

Many companies use reference checks as a key part of their hiring process. In fact, a research revealed that 92% of organizations conduct reference checks on potential employees. That means that there is a good chance that you will be requested to provide a list of...

What to Include in the Resume Education Section with Examples

In most cases, education is one of the most relevant requirements, regardless of your target position. It may be more relevant than others, depending on each candidate’s unique circumstances. Hence, it should be presented differently. But which details should you...

How to Write a CV for Jobs in Dubai

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers excellent employment opportunities across multiple industries. A high standard of living, tax-free salaries, and solid global exposure make the UAE an attractive destination for job seekers worldwide. Within the UAE, Dubai is a...

Advice on how to create a LinkedIn profile that boosts your job search

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How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job Application

Outshining a pool of qualified candidates is the toughest part of the job search process. In cases like this, it is no longer a secret that a cover letter is an effective tool that can help you distinguish yourself from everyone else. However, even experienced...

Cover Letter Examples and Writing Tips

Regardless of your industry and career level, the importance of cover letters when applying for certain roles in today's job market is hard to deny. Including one on each application allows you to communicate the most relevant details about yourself and demonstrate...

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internal Position or a Promotion

Do you love working at your current company but are looking for a change? Whether you want to transition to a different role, pursue a higher-level position, or transfer to a new department, checking out and applying for an internal job opening could be a good option...

How to Write a Letter of Intent for a Job

As a job seeker, you are looking forward to landing a job with your dream company. However, they do not have any relevant jobs listed on their careers page or on any job search sites. So, what to do in cases like these? Create a letter of intent to get your foot in...

Top Cover Letter Trends 2022

The labor market was significantly affected by the global pandemic when it hit in 2020. With preventive measures and vaccines in place, we’re now slowly seeing a path to full recovery. According to a report, U.S. employers managed to add over 450,000 jobs in January...

Cover Letter Tips for Finance Professionals

Finance professionals play a key role in overseeing an organization's financial health. In such a case, companies are unceasingly racing to search for the most capable employee that can help ensure their continued viability. In fact, according to the US Bureau of...

Cover Letter Tips for Tech Professionals

The tech industry is continuously growing at an impressive rate. One of the main reasons is that the global pandemic continues to force various companies to move online. In such a case, businesses have to rely heavily on advanced tech infrastructures to embrace the...

All you need to know about resume templates

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How to Write a Resume for the Australian Job Market

Competition in the Australian job market is tough. Outshining this competition can be much tougher if you are not sure of the hiring process, what an Australian resume should look like, and how to market yourself effectively to impress Australian recruiters and...

How to Write a Resume for the UK Market

One of the key aspects of a best-practice CV is its alignment with the target location. If you are a job seeker in the UK, having a good understanding of how to write, format, and structure your British CV is imperative to ensure your application won’t be ignored. In...

Building a Resume in MS-Word

Many candidates choose to go for online resume templates when making applications. While these are easy to find and time-efficient, not all of these are optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems. Another drawback with these online templates is that they are common...

What Does a Visual Resume Look Like

An ATS-optimized resume helps you clear the pre-screening performed by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) when you make an online application. However, it has limitations and must be done the ‘must be done in the most effective manner’. Visual resumes, on the other...

Different Resume Templates by Industry

Does a template really make a difference to your resume? The answer would be a definitive yes! The enhanced recruiting automation rate has led employers to use software like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to pre-screen candidates. However, the results of this...

How Long Should a Resume Be

The ideal length of a resume has always been a topic of debate. Most professionals believe that a one-page resume is ideal, but recruiters are open to two-page resumes as long as they are relevant. This dismisses the common myth of “always going for a one-page resume...

Best Resume Format 2021

Recruiters around the globe rank poor resume formatting high on lists of common resume mistakes. Careless or inappropriate formatting creates a negative first impression and may prevent you from qualifying for the next round. Conversely, a well-formatted resume is...

How to Structure Your Resume

Does it take more than great content to create an interview-winning resume? The answer would be a definitive yes, as a clean and coherent structure is equally important to developing a  well-written resume. An unstructured resume is likely to create a bad first...

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